Schedule a Free Consultation

+1 (416)786-5173

Are YOU ready to

Move From Your Comfort Zone to Growth Zone

A life of Confidence and Peace starts with Healing your inner self

➤ Yes! I Want To Change My Life Today!

I am looking for FAST action takers ONLY - This is a very LIMITED TIME offer!

How Would YOU Like To Wake Up To​

➤ Doing what you are passionate about
➤ Being abundantly successful
➤ Having clear goals and objectives
➤ Making a difference in your community

Every Single Day?

Are you tired of

Being Overwhelmed
Fighting The Fires Alone
Living In Fear
Feeling Stuck

What If You Could Be:

☑️​ More Productive

☑️​ More Successful​

☑️​ More Satisfied​

Every Single Day?

What If You Could​

  • Live the life you want NOW !​
  • Escape from patterns for fear, anger and resentment​
  • Break the cycle of setback after setback​

Every Single Day?

So that Your life is filled with:​

➤ A new awareness of who you are
➤ Clear of all past emotions and trauma Clarity about what you want
➤ A deepened relationship with yourself
➤ Improved relationships that are filled with Happiness, Ease and Joy
➤ Confidence to move forward and make decisions with more ease
➤ A Clarity on you want purpose with actionable goals
➤ Increased level of trust
➤ A life that exceeds your wildest dreams
➤ A love and zest for life that you didn’t know you could experience
➤ Living more mindfully
➤ A heightened intuitive skills
➤ Old habits and problems melting away
➤ Financial Abundance

This works for any professional or entrepreneur

In The Next 15 Minutes You Will Learn...

➤ Easy-to-implement changes that could make the world of difference to your business, professional and personal success
➤ Eliminate fears, doubts, and limiting beliefs that are sabotaging your ability to move forward easily and effortlessly
➤ Clear the mental fog and shift your energies to escape from the patterns of challenges, failure and setbacks
➤ A crystal-clear vision for ultimate success for your life (and business)
➤ Empower you with renewed energy and focus
➤ Strengthen your purpose , regain clarity in your life and create actionable plans to conquer your objectives and create exponential growth and abundant success.


  • You’ll Have A Repeatable Way To Create Great Improvements In All Areas Of Your Life. Time After Time.
  • The best part is that these tools have been proven and used for centuries
  • A few easy-to-implement strategies and practices could make the world of difference to your success and how you show up

Stay until the end...

Get a FREE Copy of the 7 Step system to achieve balance in all areas of your life​

This is for anyone that want to:​

👉 Get clarity

👉 Gain Confidence

👉 Create Abundance

👉 Overcome Setbacks

👉 See Exponential Growth

👉 Enjoy Life to the Fullest

So, if you are an Entrepreneur, Business Owner, Solopreneur or Professional​

Then you’re in the RIGHT place!!!​

Unlock your potential and Move from Setback to Triumph


Meet Denise

Thank so much for an enlightening coaching sessions. Yes, they were a challenge! Why because my creative juices were activated. The first week I felt a little frustrated. Being in Covid-19 I had to reinvent myself like many others. Then the light went off where my blocks were. With all your great stories and reference to real stories. It set me on my path in a new direction giving me clarity and purpose.

Meet Kare Stewart

Al-Karim is a pragmatic and skillful coach who offers unwavering respect and commitment to his clients. His creativity, thoughtfulness and passion enhance his ability to connect with people. He brings
tremendous experience and insight which highlights his authenticity as an exceptionally talented professional.

Meet Alex

“I had a powerful session with AlKarim where he helped me gain clarity over something that was holding me back. I came out energized and with loads of new ideas of ways to move forward and start growing my business”

Meet Coach Marina

AlKarim is very knowledgeable in his craft. He takes the time to understand your situation fully so he can best support you utilizing the most effective tools. He brings a wealth of knowledge and all of his modalities are powerful.


🡲 If you are not ready, please click away 🡰

Who Am I?

➤ Al Karim Chatur

Consultant / Coach / Energy Healer @ NRJI

➤ With experience running Multi Million companies, I draw
on real-world experience to deliver first-rate coaching
and Consulting.

➤ I have BSc. in Computer Science and an MBA. In
addition to that, I am a certified Life and Master Coach, a
certified Reiki Master, Access Coach Partitioner, Restore
Chi Practitioner, Energy Awakening Practitioner and an
Emotional Code Practitioner amongst other Energy
Healing certifications.

➤ I have helped countless entrepreneurs and professionals
move them from their comfort zone to a growth zone

I practice what I preach

What I’m about to share with you is exactly what I use in my OWN Business and Personal life…

It helped me change my life … You can rest easy knowing what I’m about to share with you actually WORKS.

Ask Yourself this ….

➤ “Am I struggling unnecessarily?”
➤ “Is what I’m doing WORKING?”
➤ “Is there a better way?”
➤ “Am I living my life at my full potential?”
➤ “Am I jus spinning my wheels?”
➤ “Is my life an uphill BATTLE?”

The harsh truth is…

Most of us have two lives: the life we live, and the unlived life within us. Between the two stands Resistance.

-Steven Pressfield

The Struggling 99%

The Winning 1%

MOST people look great on the outside, but deep down they are struggling?

You’re working all day, everyday… but is it translating to satisfaction?


Whether you are a self-employed team of one or run your
own small or medium-sized business it is easy to get entangled down in the everyday…

Everyone is telling you to “work harder” “Join a masterclass” or “just give it time”

These are OLD outdated strategies

I struggled FOREVER until I figured this out…

I call this “ guaranteed path to setback and failure”practice…

Instead of BEING frustrated and bearing the weight on my own shoulders…

I decided to study the 1% who manifesting a life
that they have always wanted to live.

They are attracting their lives with total ease and

So, what does The Winning 1% know that everyone else doesn’t?

They’ve switched to…

The NEW WAY Of living and manifesting their life

They have A PROVEN SYSTEM To Get Massive Breakthroughs, Exponential Growth and Abundant Success

From Chaos to Clarity
The Perfect System
Resistance to Abundance

Before we go over this system…

The Tower of Abundance


1. Identify Challenges

You just might not be aware of the
gaps in your life or have a clear vision and motivation of what you want

Meet Denise

✔️ Event Planner and Entrepreneur

✔️ Frustrated with failed business

✔️ Got clarity on challenges

✔️ Identified limiting beliefs

✔️ Cleared blockages and emotions

✔️ Identified new markets and business collaborations

Chaos to Clarity

2. Goal Setting

What specific outcomes are you
looking for?
Visualize what that looks like…

Meet Kare

✔️ Healer and entrepreneur

✔️ Lack of clarity and focus

✔️ Started new business

✔️ Created an MLM Program

✔️ Helping clients over 50 become independent

Belief Systems

3. The perfect system

Our thoughts attract our results

Meet Karim

✔️ Craft and Catering entrepreneur

✔️ Faced challenges with COVID

✔️ Pivoted to servicing with new system

✔️ Expanded business to create a recurring revenue model

✔️ Expand business to international markets

Removing limiting beliefs and sabotages

4. Hacking

Thought is the expression of the mind and
emotion is the experience of the body

Meet Alex

✔️ Technical recruiter turner coach

✔️ Had limiting beliefs with going on his own

✔️ Identified his niche

✔️ Committed full time to coaching

✔️ Established a coaching program

✔️ Exceeded his income as a technical recruiter

Resistance to Allowance

5. Tools for success

Use the right tool for the right job in
the right way

Meet Anne

✔️ Removed Negative Resonance

✔️ Clarity on Relationships

✔️ Reenergized and focused on her Mission

✔️ Exponential success with her practice

✔️ Picked up new skills

✔️ Found Love , Passion and Joy

What you Vocalize , Visualize and Emotize – You Actualize

These are the ONLY 5 things you need to be focusing on.

Once you start making these changes you will

manifest the life you want

The Best Part?

This simple system will scale with you.

Whatever your goal is, it’s just a matter of identifying what you want for your highest good and manifesting it





Business opportunities

Just Rinse & Repeat to

Manifest the life you want and become the Architect Of Your Own Destiny

What you’ll notice as you work with me…

✓A new awareness of who you are, your emotions, your body and your needs

✓A deepened relationship with your body, to understand what it needs and when

✓Old habits and problems begin to melt away

✓Clarity about what you’re here to do

✓Feeling happier and lighter

✓Relationships improve as you take responsibility for how you are showing up

✓Confidence to move forward and make decisions with more ease

✓A deep connection with your soul

✓Heightened intuitive skills and gut instinct

✓Eliminate any fears, doubts, trapped emotions and limiting beliefs

✓Live more mindfully

✓Embrace setbacks with grace

✓A level of trust within yourself, others and the universe that exceeds your wildest dreams

✓A love and zest for life that you didn’t know you could experience

You’ll have a PROVEN SYSTEM to move from Resistance to Allowance

The Struggling 99%

Nothing system to work

The Winning 1%

PROVEN System that allows you to manifest the life you want

Now at this point

You have 2 options

Option 1

Continue struggling and hoping that things will change

It literally took me YEARS and $100,000+ trying to figure this out

You could lose everything

Option 2

Book a call with us and get the Step by step blueprint

You’re Going To Get A FREE 45-Minute Strategy Session

Pick a good time that works for you !

You’re Going To Get A FREE 45-Minute Strategy Session where we will work together to:​

✓ Having clarity on you vision, direction and goals

✓ Strategize your actions

✓ Define key skills

✓ Optimize your environment

✓ Master your mind, language and limiting beliefs

This is not a pretend “consultation call” that ends up being a just a sales call

We operate with complete integrity and confidentiality and want to make good use of your time. If you are a good fit, you will have an opportunity to work with us more in depth .. But you are under no obligation whatsoever. We guarantee that you will walk away after the call with at least one action item

Who This Is For

This is for anyone who is looking to change the trajectory of their life

This is for you if ...

• Have hidden obstacles and fears that may be hindering your progress

• Need a focus and differentiator for your business

• Need Clarity on your priorities

• You want to get you to where you’ve always envisioned

• You need help to work through any roadblocks that are standing in the way of success

• You are tired of repeated setbacks

• You live in fear and beliefs that are sabotaging your ability to move forward easily and effortlessly

• You realize that there is a better way .. An easier way

• Want the tools to manifest great things

• You feel stuck and are ready to move forward

• You are ready to take your life to the next level

Results to expect...

• You will have the system to consistently manifest your life for your highest good

• Confidence to move forward and make decisions with more ease

• Old habits and problems begin to melt away

• You live more mindfully

• Tools you can use in your everyday life to deal with life’s challenges

• A clear goal and vision

• A love and zest for life that you didn’t know you could experience


ATTENTION: Frustrated Business Owners and Entrepreneurs !

If you are experiencing repetitive setbacks and you have lost your zeal and passion.



Send me your biggest frustration and setback and I’ll pick just 5 people to get a private 1-on-1 coaching session with me.

I only have 5 spots open. To see if you qualify for this session click APPLY NOW to setup a call